Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Education Of The Virgin Islands - 1639 Words
But the improvements made within the department never stopped there. In the high wings of discussing what there would be in the sense of higher education, many ideas came about. The greatest achievement in education in the Virgin Islands was the establishment of the College of the Virgin Islands, now called the University of the Virgin Islands, resulting in adding higher education to the territory (Modern Times). In recent outlooks from people in the community, they could say that the teachers are underpaid in the Virgin Islands. There are so many reasons for the underpayment of the teachers that are too numerous to mention. Teachers in the Virgin Islands Education Department are paid in the salary range of $32,000 to $66,000 a year (3-7). These salaries compared to the national average are not close to the usual pay rate for teachers. From previous learnings, teachers in the U.S. are usually paid over $65,000 a year on average. Principals and Assistant Principals in the V.I. Educati on Department are paid in the salary range of $70,000 to $95,000 a year (Staff). Department heads think that there was some sort of budget cut along the way in order to justify receiving such low salaries. The Department of Education tries its best daily to fight for the proper wages of its employees and counterparts that make a difference to the territory’s children each and every academic calendar year. Teachers must make major sacrifices to make ends meet on the meager salaries that theyShow MoreRelatedThe U.S. Virgin Islands is predominantly an English speaking island however the most popular1300 Words  | 6 PagesU.S. Virgin Islands is predominantly an English speaking island; however the most popular language spoken over the past 400 years has been a Virgin Islands Creole English, as well as Dutch Creole. The U.S. Virgin Islands became an English speaking country in 1917 when the island was formerly the Danish West Indies. 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