Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on Theory Of Knowledge - 1523 Words
Theory Of Knowledge In today’s society, science is regarded as being the most trusted form of knowledge, leading to many claiming it to be the supreme form of knowledge. To investigate whether or not this is justified we must compare science to other forms/areas of knowledge and consider what they each contribute. The strongest argument science has to claim this title, is the objectivity and empirical nature of its method and in particular its verifying processes; mainly based on inductive and deductive reasoning. Modern science is closely related to inductive reasoning and is presented as a distinctive feature of scientific activity today. Induction works by verification: correspondence†¦show more content†¦The most prolific of these adapted verification processes are the Hypothetico deductive model, a modern formulation associated with famous scientists such as Popper and Hemple. It works by using a combination of both verification techniques, claiming that what distinguishes scientific hypothesis from a non-scientific hypothesis is not its origin, but the formers capacity to stand up to testing. The name comes from the claim that the starting point is the hypothesis, from which we can predict that particular events will occur under particular circumstances. This prediction is a deduction from the initial hypothesis, and if events occur as predicted then the hypothesis is confirmed. Confirmation of the hypothesis is inductive, simply because if the hypothesis holds true x number of times, we claim that it always will hold true. This confirmation of the hypothesis process is the part of the model that encompasses inductive reasoning, as when using this method one only has access to a limited number of events. Although the Hypothetico model was developed to incorporate advantages of both types of verifications, by using inductive reasoning as confirmation processes, it is still affected by the fundamental flaws of inductivism and basic criticism of the original scientific model. Questions such as, Why is it legitimate to assume that things will continue to behave as they alwaysShow MoreRelatedThe Theory of Knowledge1372 Words  | 6 Pageswhich is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.†We live in a strange and puzzling world. Despite the exponential growth of knowledge in the past century, we are faced by a baffling multitude of conflicting ideas. The mass of conflicting ideas causes the replacement of knowledge, as one that was previously believed to be true gets replace by new idea. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management Strategies
Ethical issues in HRM strategy Introduction The plans for managing an organizations structure, culture, people, training and development are referred to as HRM strategies. These strategies are also used to determine how employees fit in the organizations growth in the future. In business practices, the level of honesty and transparency is referred to as ethics. HRM strategies should guide employees on their workplace behavior. These strategies show the organizations expectations of its employees in regards to ethical issues. Some of the ethical issues are discrimination, harassment, conflict of interest, workplace diversity, and privacy. Discrimination An organization should make sure that its HRM strategy does not discriminate against one because of their gender, race, age, religion, culture, or disability. There are laws that ensure a person is not discriminated in any organization. To avoid facing any law suit an organization should ensure that their HR staffs are well versed with these laws and the companies HRM strategies. The areas where people are mostly discriminated upon are during interviews, or appraisals(Greenwood, 2002). Discrimination during company hiring or interviews occurs when a candidate has been forwarded to HR because he or she is a relative to an employee, forwarded by a top executive, or a friend. The employee would be pushing for the candidate to be hired whether they have the qualifications or not. This would make the whole hiring processShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues in Hrm Strategy1200 Words  | 5 PagesEthical Issues in HRM Strategy Richard H. Hill Dr. Grace M. Endres July 18, 2012 Strayer University Abstract This paper concerns itself with the role of Human Resource Management and the role it plays in the development of corporate strategy. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Case Write-Up Free Essays
In the sense of the promotions, Population Services International distributed to both Raja and Maya $400,000 advertising dollars per year, which was the second largest of all advertisers In Bangladesh. Their approach was to skip the Intermediate level of Influences and go directly to consumers. In this case, It works to sell Raja condoms directly to the market since It’s more like a one-time use consumer products. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Write-Up or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, it’ll be difficult for Maya to build up the brand image since customers perceived Maya as a drug, which will bring more concerns when people try to buy oral contraceptives. Hence, it still needs recommendations from doctors to convey the effectiveness and proper information about the drug. Third, the pricing of Raja and Maya can also be an influence to their performance when compared to their competitors’ price. For example, Raja is priced more than competitor Tahiti, which is government sponsored condom manufacturer. The higher price of Raja made a premium image for customers to buy the condoms even If the price is higher. On the other hand, however, Maya is priced lower than its competitors, creating a hurting image that for oral medicines, cheaper may mean bad laity. And this situation got worse when it didn’t get the recommendations from intermediate level influences. Finally, the distributions for both products were to focus directly to customers. So SSI planned to sell their products via pharmacies, general stores, and pan stores. Nevertheless, the difference in nature of these two products caused deferent performance. For Raja, it’s easily to sell their products since men accounted for 80% of the purchasing behaviors of the birth control products. But it became difficult for Maya to have the same efficiency since people till prefer to see a doctors before decide which medicine is safe and reliable, which Is the critical cause for the sluggish sales of Maya. 2) How do you characterize the competitive environment in Bangladesh? That Is, when you look at SSI vs.. The other organizations In the space, how do they view each other? How does this differ from the other for-profit contexts we’ve studied? What might It mean for the strategy? ) Create a marketing plan for Improving sales of Maya Given the analysis that I described before, It Is the difference In nature that causes the difficulty to sell Maya successfully. In order to create a marketing plan for improvement, we need to modify the flaws in the previous one. To begin with I’ll suggest to create a new brand. To explain, it’s already been perceived by Bangladesh that Maya is a brand that is cheap and mistakenly regarded as an inferior product. Reputation, competing with their main competitors, which are the government sectors and Vast. So my recommendation for the price would be to price their oral contraceptives the same price around their competitors, getting rid of the inferior image of the product. Also, Its important to target their customers not only for males but males as well. The reason for this is because for the buying behaviors of the birth control products, 80% of the purchases were made by men. As a result. They can put more effort to their advertising to educate male customers the effectiveness of their products. Finally, to achieve SKI’S goal, which is to broaden their market share to help control Bangladesh population explosion, they’ll need to increase their profit margin to retailers and RPM (Rural Medical Practitioners) in order for them to promote more diligently to the end customers to increase the overall market share. To explain, the profit for retailers now are low due to the low pricing of the Maya. So increasing the price of the product will enable SSI to provide higher profit margin to retailers, incentives them to put more selling effort to sell out new product. For Ramps, they can be critical since they are the one that can reach out to distant area and provide their recommendations to consumers. So including the intermediate level of influences will bring a better communication and education to customers, enabling a better brand perception and awareness of the new products. By providing more profit incentives to RPM, we’ll be able to achieve this goal. 4) How will you evaluate your plan? How can you calculate the ROI? The â€Å"l†is relatively straightforward but how would you go about evaluating the â€Å"R? What challenges do you face in this regard as compared with most of the other cases we’ve discussed? How would you address it? In order for the plan to be feasible, we’ll need to take into account multiple data and information from the current selling circumstance of Maya to make a thorough evaluation. To begin with, I’ll conduct surveys to see how people perceive the Brand of Maya to make sure tha t the issue of he produce is the cheap quality and also to see the why customers are unwilling to try out Maya. Moreover, the COPY (Couple Years Protection) for industry and SMS (The Social Marketing Project) products from Exhibit 8 is an indicator for us to observe the change of market share and growth rate from 1978 to 1983. And based on the change throughout the years, we can further conclude whether the approach for Maya had problem that need to be addressed. Finally, I’ll try to get the distribution data from retailer, wholesaler, and smallholder to see how they sell their products in terms f the sales ranking of the products in the same category. Therefore, by using the data mentioned, we can reconstruct a new marketing plan for the new product and focus more on the culture of Bangladesh in terms of selling birth control products. Given our plan can be successfully implemented, we need to figure the challenge in the long run. And since the project is lunched by a not-for-profit agency, they mainly relied on funding to support their operation. According to the case, the barely earn profit by this product since the profit margin for the product is very low. Challenge, use project, longer no fund How to cite Case Write-Up, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Marketing Report Amazon
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Report Amazon. Answer: Introduction Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos who was an entrepreneur in 1994. The business began from Jeff Bezos garage, later Nick Hanauer and Tom Alburg made some supplementary investment (D'Onfro, 2014). With the added investment, Bezos come up with a more user-friendly website currently used by millions of people. Various products were added to the website as the number of clients grew. Later, through the various ides of Bezos there was another implementation that enabled clients to write and post their book reviews. The idea was successful, making Amazon a successful venture (Schneider, 2017). In 1997, Amazon decided to go public hence the addition of a variety of products on their site. The products included CDs, movies and toys. In the year 2001 Amazon experienced financial loss and laid off over1000 employees (D'Onfro, 2014). Despite the loss Bezos never despaired hence implementing an idea of working with other sellers to market their goods through Amazon's website. Through this idea Am azon was able to get back on its initial track. Amazon is now a world phenomenon through hard work and persistence.To boost efficiency, these studies suggests the introduction of an application that can be used by Startups in the US to market their products. Features of the Suggested Product The suggested product will be used by the startups in the US to market their products to the Amazon online community. The companies will be able to distribute and market their products through this application. The program will have pages that are customized, a marketing package that is comprehensive, streamlined experiences, and a full access to the Amazons global networks. The product will help startups to sell their products and overcome new product challenges. Amazon External and Internal Environment Threat of Substitutes Even though e-commerce has advanced, there is often the existence of threat of substitutes from the physical world. The ancient mortar and brick stores gives the client the know how that is nearly impossible to understand in the online technological world. For instance, in a boutique a client tries the cloth on before purchasing it (Greenspan, 2017). The activity that cannot be found on Amazon. Also, Amazon is unable to offer real time client services like the brick and mortar. Not only does the threat of substitutes come from the physical globe but also from the technology world (Greenspan, 2017). Amazon can never compete with specialty online stores as much as it provides various products. Since Amazon needs to maintain its look and feel, it cannot customize its website to display and help the customer in making purchasing decision, Amazon will always be out beaten by specialty stores. New Entrants Today, there are challenges for the entry of two largest Amazons businesses, e-readers and online selling. Amazon is the 800-pound gorilla in the online selling space with sales three times higher than staples (Khalid, 2012). Amazon has a wide brand familiarity and supplements its online storefront with a wide network of more than 50centers of distribution globally. E-books or books traded via Amazons proprietary Kindle technology are the largest sources of development with a few number of competitors (Khalid, 2012). For the very first time in the history of Amazon, sales of Kindle eBooks were more than hardback and paperback sales. HP, Samsung and Apple companies have technological inventive history that offers competitive podiums for eBooks evolution and emergence creating competition for Amazon. Internal Environment Research and Development: Research and development has led to implementation of features of clients experience like Wish list and Listmania (Parnell, 2013). This feature enables the client get the desired good and establish the most valued goods that they need. The field of Research and Development has also let to breakthroughs in the production of products like Kindle, which has brought change in the publishing sector enhancing the company's competitive advantage. Despite the benefits brought by RD department, companies like Sony and Barnes and Noble also offer the same services (Parnell, 2013). Netflix and Google also provide same technology which have similar features to Wish list and Listmania which make the clients suggestions based on the past purchases or searches. These innovations are expensive in terms of R and D spending, in terms of the construction of the products and expertise needed to upgrade and enhance search algorithms (Parnell, 2013). The products and features built by the RD area focus at enhancing the experience of the client and improve customers shopping on the site. Organizational Culture: Values such as frugality, leadership and bias for action, are emphasized when revisiting Amazon standards (Adamkasi, 2015). Amazon treasures the company's culture which outlines the companys capability to use resources effectively and apply changes quickly. However significant, Amazon values are not scarce as other firms also have standards which emphasize on the effective utilization of resources and leadership (Adamkasi, 2015). The organization's values, strives to enhance the experience of the client through empowerment, skills exhibition and efficient utilization of resources. This has made Amazon to be considered as the industry leader. SWOT can be described as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The process of identifying external and internal factors that can influence the organizations future achievements, by the management group is called SWOT analysis (Jurevicius, 2017). Internal factors include strengths and weaknesses, whereas external factors are opportunities and threats of a company (Jurevicius, 2017). SWOT analysis is performed generally as part of business planning process whereby operational and fiscal goals are determined for the forthcoming years and strategies are laid to achieve these goals. SWOT TABLE The table below illustrates Amazon SWOT analysis. Strengths 1. Existence in developing economies 2. Knowledge of expansive use of the first mover merit 3. Good governance by founder Jeff Bezos 4. Effective cost structure Weaknesses 1. Seasonal business 2. Low profit 3. Low focus on goods or service categories 4. Brand image damage in the UK due to tax avoidance scandal Opportunities 1. E-commerce business segment diversification 2. Own brand products and services increased focus 3. physical presence of the brand increment 4. Collaborations with companies in affiliated and e-commerce industries Threats 1. Lawsuits and patent infringement against the company 2. Weak entry barriers 3. Online security threats 4. Market shareloss Source: (Jurevicius, 2017) Electronic Industry in the US Electronics industry in the US produces and distributes televisions, stereo components, telephones, calculators, alarm clocks, video cameras, VCRs, digital cameras, MP3 players and DVD. Also, a number of industry observers also have laptop PC and desktop (Hong, Bhattacharyya and Geis, n.d.). Unnecessary to mention, but consumer electronics is huge venture. In the U.S., in the year 2005 customers used over $76 billion on the purchase of electronics (Hong, Bhattacharyya and Geis, n.d.). The industry has designers, engineers, salespeople, marketers, finance gurus and customer service reps as employees. The workers are responsible for improvement of similar goods and establishing big next must have gadgets (Hong, Bhattacharyya and Geis, n.d.). The companies offering these products will stand a good chance to succeed if they get a platform where they can sale their items. There are various careers in the U.S created by the industry despite the fact that the gadgets are manufacture in Indi a. Opportunities exist patterning technical side such as quality assurance engineers, IT professionals, electronics and software engineers, manufacturing design engineers and industrial designers. Any person who can design a marketing campaign, write marketing copy, close a distribution deal and assist confused client comprehend a complicated product, consumer electronics industry is the place to be. One can get big income at multinational corporation such as Mitsubishi or Samsung through the same opportunity (Leheyda, n.d.). Also, one can start their own electronic shop in one market niche or the other. Therefore, before settling for any job examine whether like the resources and structure of a large firm of like the cutting-edge spirit and flexibility of a small organization (Leheyda, n.d.). Opportunity seekers should understand that consumer electronics are worldwide brands therefore, most of the industries have chances for global posts and travel, hence the need for foreign language skills (Leheyda, n.d.). Although there is concentration of consumer electronics jobs in the U.S in the West and East Coasts the industry is all over the nation. The large firms have plenty of offices with every office housing separate corporate function and product line. Additional Insights for the Consumer Electronics Stores Industry IBISWorld noted 250 major success factors for a venture. The key factors for the Consumer Electronics Stores Industry are: Key markets Proximity, control stock ability and skilled labor force (Cosley, 2015). IBISWorld analysts also notes how external aspects like Percentage of services and income per capita disposable in the Consumer Electronics Stores industry influence its performance. Findings and Explanation of the SWOT table Strengths In the developed economies like the US, Amazon has a solid existence. Today Amazon offers over20 million products with 21,000 sellers (Pratap, 2017). With the existence of developing markets is an advantage with will contribute to long-term development opportunities of the company. There are several segments that Amazon has gained from (Pratap, 2017). These include, Amazon Kindle and Amazon Web Services. Amazon Kindle is termed as innovatory by reviewers. Amazon Web Services provides over 517 services and features which are innovative in nature (Glanert, 2012). Amazons competency and experience in terms of marketing and developing goods and services is a strength which when capitalized has positive impacts on the development opportunities of the business. Weaknesses Amazon has a thin profit margin which cannot maintain its leadership strategy cost. Low profit margin and lack of profitability focus renders the business defenseless to external crises and shock and other market dynamics. Low profit made by Amazon have negative impacts on cash reserves and liquidity levels (Pratap, 2017). Due to changes in the external environment, Amazon may be unable to pass the low demand phase for its goods and services. Recommendations The Amazon website should aim at a wide target audience especially those with interest in shopping via the internet. To do so effectively, the company should adopt the program that will help the startups in the US consumer electronic industry to sell their commodities. The goods provided should suggest that they target clients of all ages (Bellew, 2017). The site should also allow the computer illiterate to access it. Amazon launches the first world smart, microwave to reuse and erase notebook, download the app for iOS or android and flash notes to Evernote, Dropbox, Box, iCloud, email and Google docs (Bellew, 2017). Reuse and erase the notebook 4 times. Amazon should introduce the first world smart microwave for erasing notebooks. Rocketbook Wave offers liberty of paper notebook and traditional pen. Amazon marketing strategy incorporates several forms ofmedia and print adverts, experiences, events, and sales promotion, direct marketing techniques and public connections. Therefore, what recommendations could assist Amazon.com much better than they are today? Amazon must continue pushing the sector into an era of cloud-computing by continually being innovative (Bellew, 2017). Amazon should also work hand in hand with other large retailers, to enhance the usage of Amazon's software in their site so as to boost their revenues. Amazon should also try and get other retail stores or manufacturers for the product sales. This will assist in getting the US demographic market share (Bellew, 2017). Amazon also requires to enhance its network so that travelers can access their accounts wherever they go and be able to download them at any time they require them. The competition is stiff therefore Amazon should not lose sight of their passion and goals because other companies given a chance wi ll grab the markets away from Amazon. The following are some of the strategies that can be used to market the proposed Amazon product Advertising Amazon should utilize media and print advertising as its main marketing strategies to pass its marketing information to the target client niche (Glanert, 2012). Amazon should also collaborate with various TV channels, magazines and journals worldwide for this advertisement. Amazon also can apply creativity which can lead to publications of catalogues (Sellics, 2017). Amazon can also come up with images and pictures in their catalogues through the assistance of graphic artists this will enhance selling of their goods (Bhasin, 2016). Also, images and photos are cost effective which saves money and improve the appearance of catalogues. For the purpose of brand awareness viral marketing and social media advertisements can also be employed especially video clips. Sales Promotion Amazon can frequently use sales promotions through coupons, reduction of price seasonally and special offers. (Ferguson, 2017) The current promotional sales should be advertised through Amazon website. There should also be discounts for customers who buy a certain number of goods. Amazon should also offer trips and free training to their loyal clients. Conclusion Amazon is a successful company, that has developed from small web based book retailer to a successful firm trading everything from clothing to music to books. Amazon has placed itself as cost effective alternative to mortar and brick firms that retail similar products. Through economies of scale leverage Amazon has kept supplier pressure at bay hence getting and increased large consumer sales share. Amazon is experiencing stiff competition from retail and online base organizations like Wal-Mart and overstock.com. Therefore, in order for Amazon to offer high standard customers experience it needs to refine its competitive offerings. For Amazon to be successful it is required to develop a product that will provide a platform on which startup companies in the US can launch and sell their new products. References Adamkasi, (2015).PESTEL Analysis of Amazon. [online] Free PESTEL Analysis. 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