Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on Theory Of Knowledge - 1523 Words
Theory Of Knowledge In today’s society, science is regarded as being the most trusted form of knowledge, leading to many claiming it to be the supreme form of knowledge. To investigate whether or not this is justified we must compare science to other forms/areas of knowledge and consider what they each contribute. The strongest argument science has to claim this title, is the objectivity and empirical nature of its method and in particular its verifying processes; mainly based on inductive and deductive reasoning. Modern science is closely related to inductive reasoning and is presented as a distinctive feature of scientific activity today. Induction works by verification: correspondence†¦show more content†¦The most prolific of these adapted verification processes are the Hypothetico deductive model, a modern formulation associated with famous scientists such as Popper and Hemple. It works by using a combination of both verification techniques, claiming that what distinguishes scientific hypothesis from a non-scientific hypothesis is not its origin, but the formers capacity to stand up to testing. The name comes from the claim that the starting point is the hypothesis, from which we can predict that particular events will occur under particular circumstances. This prediction is a deduction from the initial hypothesis, and if events occur as predicted then the hypothesis is confirmed. Confirmation of the hypothesis is inductive, simply because if the hypothesis holds true x number of times, we claim that it always will hold true. This confirmation of the hypothesis process is the part of the model that encompasses inductive reasoning, as when using this method one only has access to a limited number of events. Although the Hypothetico model was developed to incorporate advantages of both types of verifications, by using inductive reasoning as confirmation processes, it is still affected by the fundamental flaws of inductivism and basic criticism of the original scientific model. Questions such as, Why is it legitimate to assume that things will continue to behave as they alwaysShow MoreRelatedThe Theory of Knowledge1372 Words  | 6 Pageswhich is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.†We live in a strange and puzzling world. Despite the exponential growth of knowledge in the past century, we are faced by a baffling multitude of conflicting ideas. The mass of conflicting ideas causes the replacement of knowledge, as one that was previously believed to be true gets replace by new idea. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management Strategies
Ethical issues in HRM strategy Introduction The plans for managing an organizations structure, culture, people, training and development are referred to as HRM strategies. These strategies are also used to determine how employees fit in the organizations growth in the future. In business practices, the level of honesty and transparency is referred to as ethics. HRM strategies should guide employees on their workplace behavior. These strategies show the organizations expectations of its employees in regards to ethical issues. Some of the ethical issues are discrimination, harassment, conflict of interest, workplace diversity, and privacy. Discrimination An organization should make sure that its HRM strategy does not discriminate against one because of their gender, race, age, religion, culture, or disability. There are laws that ensure a person is not discriminated in any organization. To avoid facing any law suit an organization should ensure that their HR staffs are well versed with these laws and the companies HRM strategies. The areas where people are mostly discriminated upon are during interviews, or appraisals(Greenwood, 2002). Discrimination during company hiring or interviews occurs when a candidate has been forwarded to HR because he or she is a relative to an employee, forwarded by a top executive, or a friend. The employee would be pushing for the candidate to be hired whether they have the qualifications or not. This would make the whole hiring processShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues in Hrm Strategy1200 Words  | 5 PagesEthical Issues in HRM Strategy Richard H. Hill Dr. Grace M. Endres July 18, 2012 Strayer University Abstract This paper concerns itself with the role of Human Resource Management and the role it plays in the development of corporate strategy. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Case Write-Up Free Essays
In the sense of the promotions, Population Services International distributed to both Raja and Maya $400,000 advertising dollars per year, which was the second largest of all advertisers In Bangladesh. Their approach was to skip the Intermediate level of Influences and go directly to consumers. In this case, It works to sell Raja condoms directly to the market since It’s more like a one-time use consumer products. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Write-Up or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, it’ll be difficult for Maya to build up the brand image since customers perceived Maya as a drug, which will bring more concerns when people try to buy oral contraceptives. Hence, it still needs recommendations from doctors to convey the effectiveness and proper information about the drug. Third, the pricing of Raja and Maya can also be an influence to their performance when compared to their competitors’ price. For example, Raja is priced more than competitor Tahiti, which is government sponsored condom manufacturer. The higher price of Raja made a premium image for customers to buy the condoms even If the price is higher. On the other hand, however, Maya is priced lower than its competitors, creating a hurting image that for oral medicines, cheaper may mean bad laity. And this situation got worse when it didn’t get the recommendations from intermediate level influences. Finally, the distributions for both products were to focus directly to customers. So SSI planned to sell their products via pharmacies, general stores, and pan stores. Nevertheless, the difference in nature of these two products caused deferent performance. For Raja, it’s easily to sell their products since men accounted for 80% of the purchasing behaviors of the birth control products. But it became difficult for Maya to have the same efficiency since people till prefer to see a doctors before decide which medicine is safe and reliable, which Is the critical cause for the sluggish sales of Maya. 2) How do you characterize the competitive environment in Bangladesh? That Is, when you look at SSI vs.. The other organizations In the space, how do they view each other? How does this differ from the other for-profit contexts we’ve studied? What might It mean for the strategy? ) Create a marketing plan for Improving sales of Maya Given the analysis that I described before, It Is the difference In nature that causes the difficulty to sell Maya successfully. In order to create a marketing plan for improvement, we need to modify the flaws in the previous one. To begin with I’ll suggest to create a new brand. To explain, it’s already been perceived by Bangladesh that Maya is a brand that is cheap and mistakenly regarded as an inferior product. Reputation, competing with their main competitors, which are the government sectors and Vast. So my recommendation for the price would be to price their oral contraceptives the same price around their competitors, getting rid of the inferior image of the product. Also, Its important to target their customers not only for males but males as well. The reason for this is because for the buying behaviors of the birth control products, 80% of the purchases were made by men. As a result. They can put more effort to their advertising to educate male customers the effectiveness of their products. Finally, to achieve SKI’S goal, which is to broaden their market share to help control Bangladesh population explosion, they’ll need to increase their profit margin to retailers and RPM (Rural Medical Practitioners) in order for them to promote more diligently to the end customers to increase the overall market share. To explain, the profit for retailers now are low due to the low pricing of the Maya. So increasing the price of the product will enable SSI to provide higher profit margin to retailers, incentives them to put more selling effort to sell out new product. For Ramps, they can be critical since they are the one that can reach out to distant area and provide their recommendations to consumers. So including the intermediate level of influences will bring a better communication and education to customers, enabling a better brand perception and awareness of the new products. By providing more profit incentives to RPM, we’ll be able to achieve this goal. 4) How will you evaluate your plan? How can you calculate the ROI? The â€Å"l†is relatively straightforward but how would you go about evaluating the â€Å"R? What challenges do you face in this regard as compared with most of the other cases we’ve discussed? How would you address it? In order for the plan to be feasible, we’ll need to take into account multiple data and information from the current selling circumstance of Maya to make a thorough evaluation. To begin with, I’ll conduct surveys to see how people perceive the Brand of Maya to make sure tha t the issue of he produce is the cheap quality and also to see the why customers are unwilling to try out Maya. Moreover, the COPY (Couple Years Protection) for industry and SMS (The Social Marketing Project) products from Exhibit 8 is an indicator for us to observe the change of market share and growth rate from 1978 to 1983. And based on the change throughout the years, we can further conclude whether the approach for Maya had problem that need to be addressed. Finally, I’ll try to get the distribution data from retailer, wholesaler, and smallholder to see how they sell their products in terms f the sales ranking of the products in the same category. Therefore, by using the data mentioned, we can reconstruct a new marketing plan for the new product and focus more on the culture of Bangladesh in terms of selling birth control products. Given our plan can be successfully implemented, we need to figure the challenge in the long run. And since the project is lunched by a not-for-profit agency, they mainly relied on funding to support their operation. According to the case, the barely earn profit by this product since the profit margin for the product is very low. Challenge, use project, longer no fund How to cite Case Write-Up, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Marketing Report Amazon
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Report Amazon. Answer: Introduction Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos who was an entrepreneur in 1994. The business began from Jeff Bezos garage, later Nick Hanauer and Tom Alburg made some supplementary investment (D'Onfro, 2014). With the added investment, Bezos come up with a more user-friendly website currently used by millions of people. Various products were added to the website as the number of clients grew. Later, through the various ides of Bezos there was another implementation that enabled clients to write and post their book reviews. The idea was successful, making Amazon a successful venture (Schneider, 2017). In 1997, Amazon decided to go public hence the addition of a variety of products on their site. The products included CDs, movies and toys. In the year 2001 Amazon experienced financial loss and laid off over1000 employees (D'Onfro, 2014). Despite the loss Bezos never despaired hence implementing an idea of working with other sellers to market their goods through Amazon's website. Through this idea Am azon was able to get back on its initial track. Amazon is now a world phenomenon through hard work and persistence.To boost efficiency, these studies suggests the introduction of an application that can be used by Startups in the US to market their products. Features of the Suggested Product The suggested product will be used by the startups in the US to market their products to the Amazon online community. The companies will be able to distribute and market their products through this application. The program will have pages that are customized, a marketing package that is comprehensive, streamlined experiences, and a full access to the Amazons global networks. The product will help startups to sell their products and overcome new product challenges. Amazon External and Internal Environment Threat of Substitutes Even though e-commerce has advanced, there is often the existence of threat of substitutes from the physical world. The ancient mortar and brick stores gives the client the know how that is nearly impossible to understand in the online technological world. For instance, in a boutique a client tries the cloth on before purchasing it (Greenspan, 2017). The activity that cannot be found on Amazon. Also, Amazon is unable to offer real time client services like the brick and mortar. Not only does the threat of substitutes come from the physical globe but also from the technology world (Greenspan, 2017). Amazon can never compete with specialty online stores as much as it provides various products. Since Amazon needs to maintain its look and feel, it cannot customize its website to display and help the customer in making purchasing decision, Amazon will always be out beaten by specialty stores. New Entrants Today, there are challenges for the entry of two largest Amazons businesses, e-readers and online selling. Amazon is the 800-pound gorilla in the online selling space with sales three times higher than staples (Khalid, 2012). Amazon has a wide brand familiarity and supplements its online storefront with a wide network of more than 50centers of distribution globally. E-books or books traded via Amazons proprietary Kindle technology are the largest sources of development with a few number of competitors (Khalid, 2012). For the very first time in the history of Amazon, sales of Kindle eBooks were more than hardback and paperback sales. HP, Samsung and Apple companies have technological inventive history that offers competitive podiums for eBooks evolution and emergence creating competition for Amazon. Internal Environment Research and Development: Research and development has led to implementation of features of clients experience like Wish list and Listmania (Parnell, 2013). This feature enables the client get the desired good and establish the most valued goods that they need. The field of Research and Development has also let to breakthroughs in the production of products like Kindle, which has brought change in the publishing sector enhancing the company's competitive advantage. Despite the benefits brought by RD department, companies like Sony and Barnes and Noble also offer the same services (Parnell, 2013). Netflix and Google also provide same technology which have similar features to Wish list and Listmania which make the clients suggestions based on the past purchases or searches. These innovations are expensive in terms of R and D spending, in terms of the construction of the products and expertise needed to upgrade and enhance search algorithms (Parnell, 2013). The products and features built by the RD area focus at enhancing the experience of the client and improve customers shopping on the site. Organizational Culture: Values such as frugality, leadership and bias for action, are emphasized when revisiting Amazon standards (Adamkasi, 2015). Amazon treasures the company's culture which outlines the companys capability to use resources effectively and apply changes quickly. However significant, Amazon values are not scarce as other firms also have standards which emphasize on the effective utilization of resources and leadership (Adamkasi, 2015). The organization's values, strives to enhance the experience of the client through empowerment, skills exhibition and efficient utilization of resources. This has made Amazon to be considered as the industry leader. SWOT can be described as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The process of identifying external and internal factors that can influence the organizations future achievements, by the management group is called SWOT analysis (Jurevicius, 2017). Internal factors include strengths and weaknesses, whereas external factors are opportunities and threats of a company (Jurevicius, 2017). SWOT analysis is performed generally as part of business planning process whereby operational and fiscal goals are determined for the forthcoming years and strategies are laid to achieve these goals. SWOT TABLE The table below illustrates Amazon SWOT analysis. Strengths 1. Existence in developing economies 2. Knowledge of expansive use of the first mover merit 3. Good governance by founder Jeff Bezos 4. Effective cost structure Weaknesses 1. Seasonal business 2. Low profit 3. Low focus on goods or service categories 4. Brand image damage in the UK due to tax avoidance scandal Opportunities 1. E-commerce business segment diversification 2. Own brand products and services increased focus 3. physical presence of the brand increment 4. Collaborations with companies in affiliated and e-commerce industries Threats 1. Lawsuits and patent infringement against the company 2. Weak entry barriers 3. Online security threats 4. Market shareloss Source: (Jurevicius, 2017) Electronic Industry in the US Electronics industry in the US produces and distributes televisions, stereo components, telephones, calculators, alarm clocks, video cameras, VCRs, digital cameras, MP3 players and DVD. Also, a number of industry observers also have laptop PC and desktop (Hong, Bhattacharyya and Geis, n.d.). Unnecessary to mention, but consumer electronics is huge venture. In the U.S., in the year 2005 customers used over $76 billion on the purchase of electronics (Hong, Bhattacharyya and Geis, n.d.). The industry has designers, engineers, salespeople, marketers, finance gurus and customer service reps as employees. The workers are responsible for improvement of similar goods and establishing big next must have gadgets (Hong, Bhattacharyya and Geis, n.d.). The companies offering these products will stand a good chance to succeed if they get a platform where they can sale their items. There are various careers in the U.S created by the industry despite the fact that the gadgets are manufacture in Indi a. Opportunities exist patterning technical side such as quality assurance engineers, IT professionals, electronics and software engineers, manufacturing design engineers and industrial designers. Any person who can design a marketing campaign, write marketing copy, close a distribution deal and assist confused client comprehend a complicated product, consumer electronics industry is the place to be. One can get big income at multinational corporation such as Mitsubishi or Samsung through the same opportunity (Leheyda, n.d.). Also, one can start their own electronic shop in one market niche or the other. Therefore, before settling for any job examine whether like the resources and structure of a large firm of like the cutting-edge spirit and flexibility of a small organization (Leheyda, n.d.). Opportunity seekers should understand that consumer electronics are worldwide brands therefore, most of the industries have chances for global posts and travel, hence the need for foreign language skills (Leheyda, n.d.). Although there is concentration of consumer electronics jobs in the U.S in the West and East Coasts the industry is all over the nation. The large firms have plenty of offices with every office housing separate corporate function and product line. Additional Insights for the Consumer Electronics Stores Industry IBISWorld noted 250 major success factors for a venture. The key factors for the Consumer Electronics Stores Industry are: Key markets Proximity, control stock ability and skilled labor force (Cosley, 2015). IBISWorld analysts also notes how external aspects like Percentage of services and income per capita disposable in the Consumer Electronics Stores industry influence its performance. Findings and Explanation of the SWOT table Strengths In the developed economies like the US, Amazon has a solid existence. Today Amazon offers over20 million products with 21,000 sellers (Pratap, 2017). With the existence of developing markets is an advantage with will contribute to long-term development opportunities of the company. There are several segments that Amazon has gained from (Pratap, 2017). These include, Amazon Kindle and Amazon Web Services. Amazon Kindle is termed as innovatory by reviewers. Amazon Web Services provides over 517 services and features which are innovative in nature (Glanert, 2012). Amazons competency and experience in terms of marketing and developing goods and services is a strength which when capitalized has positive impacts on the development opportunities of the business. Weaknesses Amazon has a thin profit margin which cannot maintain its leadership strategy cost. Low profit margin and lack of profitability focus renders the business defenseless to external crises and shock and other market dynamics. Low profit made by Amazon have negative impacts on cash reserves and liquidity levels (Pratap, 2017). Due to changes in the external environment, Amazon may be unable to pass the low demand phase for its goods and services. Recommendations The Amazon website should aim at a wide target audience especially those with interest in shopping via the internet. To do so effectively, the company should adopt the program that will help the startups in the US consumer electronic industry to sell their commodities. The goods provided should suggest that they target clients of all ages (Bellew, 2017). The site should also allow the computer illiterate to access it. Amazon launches the first world smart, microwave to reuse and erase notebook, download the app for iOS or android and flash notes to Evernote, Dropbox, Box, iCloud, email and Google docs (Bellew, 2017). Reuse and erase the notebook 4 times. Amazon should introduce the first world smart microwave for erasing notebooks. Rocketbook Wave offers liberty of paper notebook and traditional pen. Amazon marketing strategy incorporates several forms ofmedia and print adverts, experiences, events, and sales promotion, direct marketing techniques and public connections. Therefore, what recommendations could assist Amazon.com much better than they are today? Amazon must continue pushing the sector into an era of cloud-computing by continually being innovative (Bellew, 2017). Amazon should also work hand in hand with other large retailers, to enhance the usage of Amazon's software in their site so as to boost their revenues. Amazon should also try and get other retail stores or manufacturers for the product sales. This will assist in getting the US demographic market share (Bellew, 2017). Amazon also requires to enhance its network so that travelers can access their accounts wherever they go and be able to download them at any time they require them. The competition is stiff therefore Amazon should not lose sight of their passion and goals because other companies given a chance wi ll grab the markets away from Amazon. The following are some of the strategies that can be used to market the proposed Amazon product Advertising Amazon should utilize media and print advertising as its main marketing strategies to pass its marketing information to the target client niche (Glanert, 2012). Amazon should also collaborate with various TV channels, magazines and journals worldwide for this advertisement. Amazon also can apply creativity which can lead to publications of catalogues (Sellics, 2017). Amazon can also come up with images and pictures in their catalogues through the assistance of graphic artists this will enhance selling of their goods (Bhasin, 2016). Also, images and photos are cost effective which saves money and improve the appearance of catalogues. For the purpose of brand awareness viral marketing and social media advertisements can also be employed especially video clips. Sales Promotion Amazon can frequently use sales promotions through coupons, reduction of price seasonally and special offers. (Ferguson, 2017) The current promotional sales should be advertised through Amazon website. There should also be discounts for customers who buy a certain number of goods. Amazon should also offer trips and free training to their loyal clients. Conclusion Amazon is a successful company, that has developed from small web based book retailer to a successful firm trading everything from clothing to music to books. Amazon has placed itself as cost effective alternative to mortar and brick firms that retail similar products. Through economies of scale leverage Amazon has kept supplier pressure at bay hence getting and increased large consumer sales share. Amazon is experiencing stiff competition from retail and online base organizations like Wal-Mart and overstock.com. Therefore, in order for Amazon to offer high standard customers experience it needs to refine its competitive offerings. For Amazon to be successful it is required to develop a product that will provide a platform on which startup companies in the US can launch and sell their new products. References Adamkasi, (2015).PESTEL Analysis of Amazon. [online] Free PESTEL Analysis. 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Available at: https://panmore.com/amazon-com-inc-marketing-mix-4ps-analysis [Accessed 3 Apr. 2017]. Glanert, M. (2012).Amazon's Marketing Techniques - Behavioral Targeting Blog. [online] Behavioral Targeting Blog. Available at: https://behavioraltargeting.biz/amazons-marketing-techniques/ [Accessed 3 Apr. 2017]. Greenspan, R. (2017).Amazon.com Inc. PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis, Recommendations - Panmore Institute. [online] Panmore Institute. Available at: https://panmore.com/amazon-com-inc-pestel-pestle-analysis-recommendations [Accessed 3 Apr. 2017]. Hong, A., Bhattacharyya, D. and Geis, G. (n.d.). The Role of MA in Market Convergence: Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft.SSRN Electronic Journal, 20(1), pp.15-45. Jurevicius, O. (2017).Learning from Amazons Advantage 2017 SWOT Analysis. [online] Strategic Management Insight. Available at: https://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/swot-analyses/amazon-swot-analysis.html [Accessed 3 Apr. 2017]. Khalid, T. 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Friday, November 29, 2019
Write with Detailed Reference to at Least Three Stories and Show how Jane Gardam Reveals the Extraordinariness of Ordinary People Essay Example
Write with Detailed Reference to at Least Three Stories and Show how Jane Gardam Reveals the Extraordinariness of Ordinary People Essay Jane Gardam uses a variety of writing styles to give the characters and narrators a sense of extraordinariness. She does this, for example, through her choice of language that gives life to the characters. Three stories in this collection that show this are The First Adam, Stone Trees and An Unknown Child.One of the ways in which Jane Gardam explores the unusual features of every day people is the use of narrative voice, in first or third person. The First Adam, is a story of a man named Bull. After finding retirement boring, Bull returned to work in Drab. The analogy of the orang-outang is a symbol of Bulls lonely life, which also comes across through the use of monologue throughout the story. The audience are first introduced to Bulls extraordinary way of life when he uses the phrase My tender mistress to describe his work. This story is written using a first person narrator and so he expresses his own thoughts and feelings to the reader. This is useful for the reader as they are s eeing exactly the same as Bull and so gain an understanding of the way he views Drab, his work and his life.This is similar to the style chosen for Stone Trees which is about the narrator, her life and told using stream of consciousness. The story starts on a journey to the Isle of Wight where the reader realise that her husband has recently died. One of the most important points of this story is the narrator repeatedly telling the audience that she did not want children but she discovers that her husband already had a son. This is shown through the line so now that you are which suggests that she understands that her husband lives on in the boy. Throughout the story, the narrator often uses you/I to show her views about Anna, Tom, her husband and their situation through the stream of consciousness. Having a first-person narrator explaining the situation, as she perceives it, means that the reader can discover traits about Anna and Tom, the narrator and her husband and the reader ca n share in her moment of realisation towards the end of the story. The extraordinariness of ordinary people is shown in this story in the way that the narrator copes with the death of her husband and finding out that he had a son that she did not know about.In contrast to this, a story written in the third person such as An Unknown Child is about a woman who has had had a mis-carriage and about how her and her husband try to rebuild their lives. After an incident in a restaurant, Evelyn and Mick finally begin to grieve for the loss of their own child. The third person narrator lets us find out about the lives of a few different characters which have important roles in the story such as Evelyn, Mick and Elizabeth. This shows the extraordinariness of apparently regular people by giving the reader an image of the characters, showing their moments of self-realisation and their interactions with the other characters.A very important technique used by Jane Gardam in these three stories to reveal the extraordinary nature of the people is a central symbol or metaphor which is carried throughout the story. The most obvious of these is the symbol of children in An Unknown Child. For example, on the journey to Florence, A baby had watched them and the place where they were staying was opposite the Innocenti baby place. This is an important feature as it shows both their views towards babies after Evelyn had a miscarriage. Evelyn looks at all the children and symbols of children which suggests to the audience that she is being brave. It also shows Micks attitudes towards Evelyn and how much he cares for her. This is shown particularly as he apologises even though it is obvious that Evelyn had made the decision to stay there. In The First Adam, there is a constant symbol of his work as a woman and the reminder that he does not have time to appreciate his surroundings like Venetia does in The Last Adam.The image of his work, spread on the bed, suggests that he is extremely involved with it and sees Drab as a project rather than a beautiful place. This illustrates the extraordinariness of Bull, as he seems to have a very interesting perspective of work a sees it very differently to other people. This encourages the reader to believe that he has a stronger relationship with his work that his wife. This, again is shown by Bull calling his work his mistress. Lastly, in Stone Trees, there is a symbol of the solidarity of stone in comparison to the life of a tree. This shows the characters attitudes and impressions of their lives and surroundings in comparison to each other. For example, where as the narrator wants to freeze her love for her husband and does not feel that she can share her love with other people, similar to the stone petrifying tree, her husband has touched other peoples lives which is evident from his child who is like him in looks but also in personality. The narrators response to the child is important as it is the first time she feels c lose to a person other than her husband illustrated by the last line so now that you are which indicates that she feels close to her husband through the boy.In all three stories, Jane Gardam gives the impression of the characters being mainstream, unremarkable and average. Throughout the three stories, the characters relationships show the reader that they are special. In The First Adam, Bulls passion for his work is shown when he refers to it as his mistress. Jane Gardam also reveals the problems he has with having relationships with women. However, in An Unknown Child we see the relationship between Evelyn and her husband as being very different in comparison. It is shown to the reader at the beginning that the relationship between them is good and that even after the terrible event opening the story they are very close and support each other. This is not the case by the end of the story when Evelyn realises that she, never thought of him.We realise that Mick did not tell her how he was grieving and so just supported her decisions. Evelyn discovering this is a pivotal moment as she realises that she has not grieved for the loss of their child, which is shown as her, weeping at last. Therefore Evelyn is revealed as extraordinary despite the reader believing her to be a quite unremarkable woman throughout the story. This is similar to Stone Trees where the narrator has a moment of self-realisation when meeting her husbands child. It is revealed to the reader, however, as a pivotal moment when the boy, whose kindness surprises the narrator, begins her healing process Her lack of anger here, and her acceptance of the fact that he was having affairs, ironically kept them together. This shows her to be extraordinary as her love for her husband was so great that she felt it was the only way she could still be with him.Throughout all three stories, the characters opinions are portrayed as the most important feature. This is significant in showing the extraordinarine ss of ordinary people as it gives them very different personalities and lives within their own stories. This can easily be seen in Bull in The First Adam where he tells the audience exactly how he feels about his surroundings and how he sees Drab as a, bloody country. This is important as it demonstrates his opinions in contrast with his wifes who he says feels that she is intruding in his mans world when she goes to foreign countries to be with him. Similarly, in a story such as Stone Trees we are only given the opinion of the narrator and her thoughts of how Tom and Anna are feeling. In both cases, we can only assume that the narrators guesses are correct until she realises that she has misunderstood the situation. An Unknown Child, although written from a third person narrative position, concentrates on Evelyns point of view and it is only as she realises her husbands grief that the reader understands it too. In this story and in Stone Trees the reader shares, or only slightly an ticipates, the whole truth of the characters lives.Another feature that shows the extraordinariness of ordinary people is the twists that occur towards the end of the story. This makes sure that the reader sees that all the characters have more interesting lives than was originally thought. One of the most obvious of these occurs in An Unknown Child where Evelyns moment of self-realisation occurs and she sees that she, never thought of him. This illustrates a surprising fact about Evelyn to herself and to the audience that the family turning up late for dinner acted like a catalyst for them realising what they have lost. The main twist in The First Adam, however, is not so obvious. I, personally think that Bulls day of no work is the twist in this story as even though he was still bored in Drab, he is still in control of his life. In Stone Trees, the narrator is amazed at how kindly Peter is treating her, even though he is only seven. This evokes a moment of realisation when she see s the pink starfish and sees the, growing things that are there all the time, though only now and then seen.All these characters experience The Pangs of Love which shows them to be different and in some cases extraordinary. Jane Gardams use of writing styles, for example first and third person, monologue, stream of consciousness and use of metaphors of motifs teach the audience different features of the characters so that they are seen as individuals. The fact that the characters thoughts are all told to the reader helps them to empathise with the characters and see them as surprising for coping with their difficult situations in the ways that they do.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Why the Drinking Age Should be Lowered essays
Why the Drinking Age Should be Lowered essays On my eighteenth birthday earlier this summer, I was informed of my new responsibilities as an adult. Legally, Im old enough to move out and live without supervision, get married without a parents permission, be held accountable for my actions, and face the consequences as any American adult would. At age eighteen, Im able to get into dance clubs, and some clubs on the eastside that cater to the adult crowd, or so I hear. Im old enough to join the military and fight for my country, and am considered an adult by all legal standards. I have the same amount of independence as my parents, or do I? This drinking age in this country is age twenty-one. When one reaches twenty-one, the have complete freedom. They can drink freely without fear of being caught and punished along with the many freedoms they received when they turned eighteen. Years ago, the legal drinking age was eighteen. The government changed this because? My thoughts, they didnt think the youth of that generation were mature enough to handle the responsibilities that come along with the consumption of alcohol. A responsibility of that magnitude does require a certain level of maturity. I feel that by age eighteen, one is mature enough to handle that responsibility. If youre old enough to go to war, why arent you old enough to drink? I believe society would benefit from this change because drunk driving rates could possibly lower. An underage person goes to a party, and drinks until he or she is not in proper state of mind to drive home. They dont want to call a parent or someone else to pick them up for the fear of getting in trouble for drinking underage. If they were of age, they could freely call someone without the chance of getting in trouble for doing something illegal. Ive heard stories that people my age drink mostly because its somethi ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Applying For a Home Loan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Applying For a Home Loan - Essay Example The message has an appropriate logical flow of the relevant steps, which minimizes the necessary changes as it begins with the first contact with the customer, application, verification, evaluation, approval, and settlement. The only key change that should occur is the inclusion of graphical representations that will make the message more appealing. The message can have a picture of properties or houses in the background, which would make the message more appealing to the eyes of the reader. Since the message relates to financing, the messenger can add details pertaining to interest rates. As such, the message should have more sections. This extra section should detail the attractive interest rates the company offers to ensure that the client is not reaped. Most financial messages tend to skip this part as it contains imperative details to avoid losing clients once they see the cost of financing the property. Adding this section would make the message more informative to the reader (Anderson, 2010). The current message contains six major sections namely contact, application, verification, evaluation, approval, and settlement. However, the messenger should add one more section. Hence, the new steps in the application for a home loan should be contact, application, verification, interest rates, evaluation, approval, and settlement (National Australian Bank, 2014). The inclusion of the interest rates would enable the customers to undertake a personal evaluation of their suitability for such a financial service given their finances.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Multinationals Act More Ethically as They Are More Successful Dissertation
Multinationals Act More Ethically as They Are More Successful - Dissertation Example The Body Shop 14 Ben & Jerry's 14 Multinational companies that are more ethical after facing 15 the repercussions of unethical behaviour Nike 15 McDonald's 16 Research on ethical trading and customers 16 The Institute of Business Ethics 17 Research on Coffee Labelling 17 Summary of findings 18 Conclusion 18 Introduction In today's ever changing business arena, there is still one constant force that drives multinational companies - profits. No matter the nature of the business, most companies still seek to maximise shareholder value as this tangible financial measure epitomizes corporate success. Nevertheless, in the last two decades, there has also been a noticeable shift in business priorities as multinational companies recognise that fulfilling shareholder value may not be sufficient to acquire the results they need. Henry Ford once said that, "business must be run at a profit, else it will die. But when everyone tries to run a business solely for profit then also the business must die, for it no longer has a reason for existence." (Roddick, 2000, p. 23) This essay examines the role ethics plays in multinational businesses and the intricate link between ethics and profits. To do this, the definitions of shareholder and stakeholder values are scrutinized in order to understand the motives behind companies acting ethically. Here, shareholders are characterized as financial investors and stakeholders are individuals or bodies of people like employees, customers, partners, and pressures groups who have emotional and long-term ties to a company. Delving further into the issue of stakeholder influence on ethics and profits in... In order to reinforce the essay's arguments, successful companies like The Body Shop and Ben & Jerry's whose competitive advantage is cemented in ethical trading from day one are contrasted with business leaders like Nike and McDonald's who have jumped on the social responsibility band wagon after suffering the repercussions of unethical behaviour. To further understand company motivation for ethical business, research and studies on the consumer's point of view are also examined. Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Before the 1990s, business success was dictated solely in financial terms. Shareholders are normally financial investors rather than individuals with emotional and long-term personal ties to a company. In short, they are profit-driven. Today, the advent of social messages tied to company mission statements prove that besides shareholders, there are stakeholders that are not interested in the financial side of businesses, but who are just as crucial in the development of almost all aspects of a business. In Appendix F, Price Waterhouse Coopers (2006) believes that in order to protect a company's reputation, there are five stakeholder groups, including shareholders (capital), employees (manpower), customers (revenue), partners (suppliers), and pressure groups (a license to operate) that need close attention. The following section examines each stakeholder group and the value they provide in addition to exploring the impact each group has on shareholder value (which provide tangible financial assets).
Monday, November 18, 2019
Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Globalization - Essay Example The regional trade agreement chosen for this report is Mercosur. This agreement was created on 26 March 1991, when Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay signed the Treaty of Asuncià ³n to create the Southern Common Market. The agreement now encompasses the four Latin American countries along with a fifth member state – Venezuela. The purpose of this trade agreement is to promote free trade among the member countries and enable a fluid movement of goods, workers, and services.Mercosur has been very successful in increasing intrabloc trade among its member countries and in reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers. Following this trade agreement, intrabloc trade increased from 9% to 25% of the total exports within eight years. This trade agreement enabled the formation of a common market promoting free trade. The Mercosur member countries also gained in bargaining power to negotiate trade agreements with other countries. Interregional trade among the member countries tripled f rom the US $ 4.1 billion to the US $ 10.7 billion. All countries in the sub-region experienced increased growth of about 6.1% that was the highest to be recorded in a decade. From the figures released by the World Trade Organization, it can be inferred that the trade agreement not only boosted trade among its members but also was successful in increasing trade with the rest of the world. Since the inception of Mercosur, there has been a 207% rise in trade among member countries and 122% increase in trade with the rest of the world.... (2) Report on a Regional Trade Agreement The regional trade agreement chosen for this report is Mercosur (Mercado Comun del Sur/Mercado Comum do Sul/Southern Common Market). This agreement was created on 26 March 1991, when Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay signed the Treaty of Asuncion to create the Southern Common Market. The agreement now encompasses the four Latin American countries along with a fifth member state – Venezuela. The purpose of this trade agreement is to promote free trade among the member countries and enable a fluid movement of goods, workers and services (â€Å"About MERCOSUR†). Mercosur has been very successful in increasing intrabloc trade among its member countries and in reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers. Following this trade agreement, intrabloc trade increased from 9% to 25% of the total exports within eight years (Paiva and Gazel 116). This trade agreement enabled the formation of a common market promoting free trade. The Mercosur member countries also gained in bargaining power to negotiate trade agreements with other countries. Interregional trade among the member countries tripled from US $ 4.1 billion to US $ 10.7 billion. All countries in the sub-region experienced increased growth of about 6.1% that was the highest to be recorded in a decade. From the figures released by the World Trade Organization, it can be inferred that the trade agreement not only boosted trade among its members, but also was successful in increasing trade with the rest of the world. Since the inception of Mercosur, there has been a 207% rise in trade among member countries and 122% increase in trade with the rest of the world
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Drivers Education for Students with Multiple Disabilities Essay Example for Free
Drivers Education for Students with Multiple Disabilities Essay Students with multiple disabilities are those who are experiencing more that one form of disability. Disability may be mental or physical or combination of both that hinders one from performing various life activities. Such students require much care as they cannot fully do what is required of them with help from another person. Such students should be given helpful education that would enable them contribute to the economy. Drivers’ education for students with multiple disabilities is required for none of the curriculum has considered this during their planning and implementation. Research question The main purpose of the paper is to identify whether there is any need to have drivers’ education for the people with multiple disabilities to offer services in special schools and in public schools. Another aim of the research is to determine how this education would be offered and what type of disability would benefit from the drivers education. How effective would this education be to the disabled. Justification of the research Students with multiple disabilities cannot perform a number of activities an able student can perform; this justifies the research because there is a need to have to have the disabled contribute to the nation building and economy. Drivers’ education would be necessary for the multi disabled students for there are those who can drive effectively despite of the disability. Review of the bibliography The provided bibliography would help in providing a critical review for the research and will give enough literature as to whether this drivers’ education for students with multiple disability is needed and to what extent. Bibliography (Video)The Los Angeles Club of the Deaf Story. DeBee Communications, 6965 El Camino Real, Ste. 105, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Bowe, F. (1978)Handicapping America: Barriers to disabled people, Harper Row, Disability and Chronic Disease Quarterly, Department of Sociology, Brandeis University, Disability Grapevine Online Newsletter. http://www. disabilitygrapevine. com/ Disability Studies Online Magazine. http://www. disabilitystudies. com/index. htm Gary L. (2005)Encyclopedia of disability, SAGE Publ. , Gary L. et al. , eds. (2006) Encyclopedia of Disability. 5 vols. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Health Ethics, Policy and Law,†Cornell Journal of Law and Public http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=950878 Johnstone, D. (2001) An Introduction to Disability Studies, , 2nd edition, Kaushik, R. (1999) Access Denied: Can we overcome disabling attitudes , Museum International (UNESCO) , Vol. 51, No. 3, p. 48-52. Leonardi M; Bickenback, J; Ustin TB; Kostanjsek N; Chatterji S, and on behalf of the MHADIE Consortium (2006) â€Å"The definition of disability: what is in a name?,†Lancet 368(9543): 1219-1221 Mitra S (2006) â€Å"The Capability Approach and Disability†Journal of Disability National Center on Disability and Journalism. http://www. ncdj. org/links. html Paul T. (2005)Understanding Disability: Inclusion, Access, Diversity, and Civil Rights. Westport, CT: Greenwood Policy Studies, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 236-247 Policy, 15(2): 403-482 http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=931703 Ruger JP (1998) â€Å"Aristotelian Justice and Health Policy: Capability and Incompletely Theorized Agreements†Harvard University, Ph. D. Thesis Ruger JP (2003) â€Å"Health and Development†Lancet, 362 (9385): 678 Ruger JP (2006) â€Å"Health, Capability, and Justice: Toward a New Paradigm of Ruger JP (2006) â€Å"Measuring Disparities in Healthcare†, British Medical Journal, 333:274 http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=934987 Ruger JP (2007) â€Å"Rethinking Equal Access: Agency, Quality and Norms,†Global Public Health, 2(1): 78-96 Sen AK (2002) Health: perception versus observation British Medical Journal 324:860-861 Terzi L (2004) â€Å"The Social Model of Disability: A Philosophical Critique†, Journal of Applied Philosophy, 21 (2): 141-157 Terzi L (2005) â€Å"Beyond the Dilemma of Difference; The capability approach on disability and special educational needs†, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 39 (3): 443-459 Terzi L (2006) â€Å"Beyond the Dilemma of Difference: the capability approach to disability and special educational needs†R. Cigman (ed. ) Included or Excluded? The Challenge of the Mainstream for some SEN Children. London: Routledge
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Measuring Public Relations Effectiveness For The Dole Food Company :: Business Case Study, solution
I also chose to analyze an article by Dr. Walter Lindenmann, a case study called â€Å"Measuring Public Relations Effectiveness For The Dole Food Company and the Society for Nutrition Education.†The main reason I chose to analyze this article was because it focuses specifically on one measurement study and tells exactly how it was conducted. Dr. Lindenmann‘s study was to determine the effectiveness of a program conducted by the Dole Food Company. The Dole food Company’s program involved creating a CD-ROM in conjunction with the Society for Nutrition Education that would educate third grade students and their teachers of the importance proper nutrition. The CD-ROM was to inform them about how they needed to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day to maintain a healthy nutrition. Dole chose to test their CD_ROM in 178 classes in 65 schools across 5 different states before they took the program nationwide. Dole used Dr. Lindenmann and the office Ketchum Public Relations to conduct the study on the effectiveness of the CD_ROM in their test program. Dr. Lindenmann explained that they used a three-phased research design to conduct their study. They started off by sending out questioners that were distributed to about 1000 students and 40 teachers. The questioners were used to measure the awareness and attitudes of the classes before they were introduced to the CD-ROM. This was used to establish a base line to compare the results of the study against in the report. They then conducted a qualitative telephone poll with one forth of the teachers after the introduction of the program at about the mid point of it. The poll was used to track the teacher’s views and concerns regarding the CD-ROM. The third phase the research team conducted mirrored the first phase. The team distributed questioners four months after the programs completion in order to measure awareness and behavior change as result of the CD-ROM. Results of the measurement test found the program to be beneficial. Before introduced to the CD-ROM students were only able to answer five out of eighteen questions on the questioner correctly, four months after the program students were able to answer eleven of the eighteen questions correctly. The proportion of student that were able to answer seventeen of the eighteen questions correctly also went up. The study also found that students were talking more with there families about the importance eating five fruits and vegetables a day, this increased from forty five percent before the program to sixty seven percent after being exposed to the program.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sony Research Paper
Journey of SONY : A Revolution of Walkman to I-Pod 1981 Walkman II Sony is arguably Japan's best known company and one of the world's largest and most well respected consumer-product manufacturers. Its products are world famous and sold everywhere around the globe. Surveys in early 2000s have showed that Sony was the most recognized and esteemed brand name in the United States (ahead of Coca Cola, General Motors and General Electric) and is third coolest global brand after Nike and Tommy Hilfinger among American teens. Although Sony has some of its luster since then it is still a remarkable company.Sony is the world’s No. 2 consumer electronic maker after Panasonic with around $70 billion in worldwide sales. One of Japan’s first internationally-minded companies, it has relied heavily on exports and was among the first Japanese firms to build a U. S. factory. In the 1960s, 70s and 80s it helped turned â€Å"Made in Japan†from a joke into a symbol in unsurpassed q uality. Sony has traditionally been known as a great innovator that transformed entire categories of electronics with products like the Walkman music player and PlayStation game console, and was able command premium prices for its top-quality products.Sony not only changed business and the electronic industry it also changed the world. Before it came along electronics were large bulky products that kept people sequestered in their homes. After Sony, they became small products that people they could to take with them to enhance their surroundings wherever they went. Sony topped a Harris poll for best brands for the 7th consecutive year in 2006. Dell and Coca Cola were 2nd and 3rd respectively. In 2004, it was ranked by Forbes as the 72nd largest company in the world. Sony placed 35th in the 2011 Interbrand Best Global Brands ranking. Coca Cola and IBM were No. and 2. Sony had 160,000 employees and 57 manufacturing sites as of September 2008. It has traditionally been regarded as one of the top transnational companies in terms of foreign assets and foreign employees. The goal of the company has been to apply the most advanced technology to consumer products for fun and enjoyment rather than just practical uses. Sony Walkman Walkman prototype The Walkman miniature cassette player first went on sale in July, 1979. Inspired by pocket cassette recorders designed for dictation, it changed the way we lived by making music and electronics portable, personal and mobile.It changed the lifestyles and listening habits of millions and was particularly embraced by young people, commuters and joggers. In 1986, â€Å"Walkman†was added to the Oxford English dictionary. For a while it was used as a generic term for all portable music devices. The Walkman was originally made as a prototype so that Sony co-founder Akio Morita could listen to opera on long-distance flights. The device, which was original marketed in Britain as the Stowaway, almost didn’t happen. â₠¬Å"Everybody gave me a hard time,†Morita said in his memoirs.Sony engineers and executive said it was ludicrous to sell a tape-player without a recording function. It took a while for the Walkman to catch on. Sales initially were sluggish. The Walkman has been described as Morita’s product and his greatest contribution to Sony. It was Ibuka who came up with the idea for product but Morita was the one who overcame resistance of senior Sony executives to bring the product to market. The Walkman was the right product for the right time. It was the prefect device for the me generation era and the fitness craze.Its headphone output jack was originally named â€Å"guy†and input hole â€Å"doll. †A famous Walkman ad from the 1980s featured a monkey (a Japanese macaque) listening to a Walkman with a very human-like relaxed, content expression on its face. The Walkman was followed by Watchman mini television (1982) and Discman compact disc player (1984) and hund red of imitations by competitors. As of 2004, 340 million Walkman had been sold and130 different Walkman models had been released. They included models that ran MDs and memory sticks. The first device to gain as much attention as Sony’s Walkman was Apple Ipod, released in 2004.In response to that Sony introduced a hard disk Vaio pocket and a hard disk Walkman. In October 2010, Sony announced it was cease producing conventional Walkman cassette players. They were done in by competition from MP2 players and Ipods. They lasted for 31 years. Sony and Sweden’s Ericsson produce cell phones together, mainly making mid- and high-range handsets, In recent years sales have suffered. It has profits have been around $300 million on around $4. 5 billion in sales Sony and KDDI developed a Walkman brand cell phone that downloads music Sony: How did the former gadget king lose its mojo?Before the iPod, everyone's headphones were plugged into the Sony Walkman. But as the Walkman lost i ts relevance, Sony seemed to, as well posted on April 2, 2012, at 6:25 AM Sony has faded since its classic '80s-era Walkman went out of style, but a new CEO is trying to change that. Photo: DK Limited/CORBIS Like Xerox, Kleenex, and Google, Sony's Walkman was the rare brand that was so popular it became the thing itself. The Japanese electronics giant was ubiquitous in other ways, too, and there was a time when it seemed as if everyone owned a Sony device, whether it was a television, a camcorder, or a stereo.But in the iPad age, Sony seems to have all but disappeared from the marketplace for must-have gadgets. What happened? And how can its new CEO, Kazuo Hirai, turn the company around? Here, a guide to Sony's woes: How badly is Sony struggling? It's not pretty. The company is set to post a loss of $2. 7 billion for the current fiscal year. It was worth $100 billion in 2000, but since then has lost 80 percent of its value. And it's even struggling in its native Japan, where Apple f or the first time was just voted the country's top consumer brand. Where did Sony go wrong?Sony is an enormous company, and its movie unit (which produced the Spiderman movies) and music business (which distributes Adele and Taylor Swift) post profits. In fact, its biggest moneymaker is Sony Life, an insurance company. The problem is lackluster gadgets. Consumer electronics still account for half of Sony's sales, and the company's once-unrivaled television division, for example, â€Å"is drowning in red ink,†says Matt Burns at TechCrunch. Why can't it make another Walkman? Sony's â€Å"gift for innovation†came more easily when the company was â€Å"young and streamlined, not sprawling,†says Chico Harlan at The Washington Post.Sony has become an â€Å"unwieldy multiheaded beast,†says Burns, and is simply less focused on product development. Furthermore, Sony is reluctant to take the draconian steps  firing workers, for example  that are often necessary to make companies more nimble. Like other struggling Japanese companies, Sony still adheres â€Å"to cultural expectations of lifetime employment,†says Harlan. What is Sony's new CEO planning to do? Hirai, who took the helm on April 1, is proposing a new business structure called â€Å"Sony One,†which will see the company focus on gaming, mobile devices, and digital imaging.For a company that missed out â€Å"completely on the iPod era of portable music devices,†it's hoping to â€Å"make up for lost time†with a big splash in the smartphone industry, says Devindra Hardawar at VentureBeat. Gaming is still a â€Å"cash cow†for Sony, and its digital cameras are â€Å"better†than most, so the Sony One plan seems solid. Can it make a comeback? Hirai says he's willing to take the â€Å"painful†steps it will take, says Cliff Edwards at Bloomberg Businessweek, including cutting costs. But Sony will also have to do a bet ter job of wedding its gadgets with the vast music and movie content at its disposal.Sony's â€Å"engineers were slow to weave it all together, as Apple did seamlessly with its iPod and iTunes,†says Harlan. It's an ironic twist of fate for the reigning company â€Å"Apple and Steve Jobs were aiming to dethrone 15 years ago,†says Burns. Sony's Walkman Disappears With a Whimper Few tears were shed as Sony announced plans to shelve most editions of its once ubiquitous Walkman cassette player. The now-unwieldy device, which debuted in 1979, was credited with beginning the portable music player craze and ushering the transition of music fans â€Å"from listeners into users. But many columnists, instead of penning fond farewells to the iPod's ancestor, are bidding the device good riddance, asking why it wasn't discontinued â€Å"years ago. †Still, there were a more than a few who waxed nostalgic about those tinny headphones blaring their favorite '80s tunes. A Ver y Subdued Goodbye for the Device The Wall Street Journal's Daisuke Wakabayashi wonders how the iconic device managed to disappear so inconspicuously, especially in Japan. â€Å"Perhaps there was no raucous send-off in Japan, because the Walkman has come to symbolize, fairly or unfairly, how Sony relinquished its portable music player lead to Apple Inc. s iPod on its ways to taking a backseat to Steve Job’s seemingly endless string of hits†¦. To be sure, most consumer electronics products disappear with barely a whimper†¦. However, one can not help but think the Walkman and its incredible success deserved more than a gadget’s equivalent of a gold watch and a pat on the back. †‘The Best Symbol of the Demise of Sony' Douglas A. McIntyre at 24/7 Wall Street pens a eulogy for the Walkman and, in turn, Sony. â€Å"There will be many histories of Sony written and most will question why the company was not more aggressive to court music companies and c reate its own iTunes store. Unfortunately, McIntyre argues, â€Å"Its digital version of the Walkman came to market too late†¦. The burial of the Walkman signals the death of Sony’s own ambitions in the portable multimedia device industry. It will be a case study at business schools for decades to teach how a company can lose a market it has dominated. †It Used to Be Amazing, Today It's ‘Kind of a Joke' Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall briefly recalls 1979. â€Å"It wasn't just that the device was small, though it was  not that much bigger than the size of a cassette itself.It was that the headphones were so small and managed to provide  right up against your ear  a surprising degree of audio fidelity. Remember, holding a boombox up on your shoulder wasn't just an affectation. It was the only real way to listen to music on the go. †We Wouldn't Have the iPod Without It After making the requisite quips about the Walkman (â€Å"at least it outlived disco†) CNet's Greg Sandoval notes that the devices designers â€Å"likely influenced†the eventual concept of the iPod. â€Å"[Steve] Jobs took portable music to a new level, one where even [Sony] couldn't compete.Jobs wrapped his offering around a cohesive and as yet unbeatable combination of hardware, software, and digital retail. Sony knew hardware but was at best so-so in retail and a total disaster at developing software (see Sony Connect). Some have speculated that Sony's failure to keep up in a segment that the company created was one of the reasons it has given the Walkman such a quiet send off. †‘Enough Nostalgia. Let's Recall the Bad Times. ‘ NPR's Jacob Ganz remembers the music players with little fondness. Walkman was all about smaller and cheaper: headphones were light, but breakable. You could hear your music on the go; so could everyone else, since the speakers in the headphones were so bad that you had t o crank the volume. †It also had the interesting effect of turning â€Å"music into a drug, boiled down into capsules that were lower in purity but easier to acquire and manipulate. The device itself may have been too rigid and flawed to survive changing times, but the Walkman changed us from listeners into users. †30 facts from 30 years of the Sony WalkmanThe first Walkman was launched 30 years ago today Related stories Three decades ago today, Sony launched the Walkman in Japan. It changed how and where we listened to music and its legacy and name still continue today. To celebrate the anniversary of the launch, we've gathered together 30 facts from the last 30 years of one of tech's biggest product icons. 1. The idea for the Walkman came from Masaru Ibuka, the founder of Sony. He was a regular user of the 1978 TC-D5 portable tape recorder, but found it too heavy.He and Sony's Executive Deputy President Norio Oga challenged Nobutoshi Kihara to come up with a simple, playback-only stereo version of the small Pressman tape recorder. 2. Despite initial troubles with batteries and the strangeness of a large pair of headphones teamed with a small device, Ibuka said to Sony's Chairman Akio Morita â€Å"Don't you think a stereo cassette player that you can listen to while walking around is a good idea? †3. Over 300 different Walkman models have now been produced. 4. Walkman was chosen as a name partly because of the popularity of Superman in 1979. 5.In early 1979, Morita held a meeting in which he held up the prototype Pressman-derived device and said the product should be manufactured and would be a hit among the young. He gave the engineering team less than four months to produce the model, which needed to launch in June. 6. Due to the short time frame, members of the engineering team had to work through the night two or three times a week. 7. The first H-AIR MDR3 headphones weighed just 50 grams at a time when most headphones were 300-400 grams. They were being developed in Sony's research labs at the time of the Walkman project. . By June 1989, a decade after the original, 50 million units had been shipped. 9. Morita ordered an initial production run of 30,000 Walkman units to be made – double the montly sales of the best-selling tape recorder. Poor initial response and sales 10. The first TPS-L2 model was shown to the press on 22 June 1979. Journalists were driven to a park, given a Walkman and were told to walk around while listening to an explanation of the Walkman in stereo. 11. However, initial press responses were very lukewarm. They believed it wouldn't take off. 2. By the end of the first month on sale only 3,000 units had been sold. 13. Retailers weren't keen on the product as they didn't think they could sell something that wouldn't record. 14. Yet, the word of the Walkman spread quickly among the young in Summer 1979. So much so that Marui Department Store placed an order for 10,000 units – even though major Japanese retail was still ignoring it. 15. The initial batch of 30,000 units sold out by the end of August and Sony had problems fulfilling orders for the rest of the year. 6. A worldwide launch was planned for six months after the Walkman's Japanese launch, but Sony subsidiaries didn't like the Walkman name. 17. Other proposed names were Soundabout in the US, Freestyle in Sweden and Stowaway in the UK. 18. But Morita went on a business trip and in both France and the UK people asked him when they would be able to get a Walkman. The name was already set in stone. 19. The latest Walkman line is the X-Series portable video player. A complete success 20.To emphasise the nature of the product, the 1979 launch event was held outside with Walkman demos in the form of people roller skating or cycling while listening to the device. 21. 100 million units were shipped by 1992. 22. In 1986 the name Walkman was included in the Oxford English Dictionary. 23. Many at Sony initia lly felt that the Walkman should be able to record, but Morita was determined to produce a playback-only unit. 24. Again, due to the short time frame, the development team was told not to worry too much about what the original Walkman looked like. 25.In the UK, the first Walkman in the UK came with stereo and two mini headphone jacks – even though it only had one pair of MDR-3L2 headphones. 26. Sony does not like Walkman to be pluralised in the traditional form – either as Walkmans or Walkmen. 27. The first Discman was launched as early as 1984 – the D-50 or D-5. Later models included ESP for shock protection. 28. 1992 saw the launch of the digital re-recordable, MiniDisc Walkman. 29. The Sports line of waterproof players was introduced in 1983. 30. Incredibly, Sony still manufacturers cassette-based Walkman players today.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Found Dog Flyer Essay
According 2013 IPCC Status Report on Climate Change, climate change is occurring due to global warming. Observational evidence is coming back from all continents and most oceans, And it shows that many natural systems are being affected by regional climate changes particularly temperature increases. There is much scientific data backing the (intergovernmental panel on climate change) with conclusions and facts, based on changes in weather patterns (increasing temperatures, changes in snow and ice including, permafrost) also according to findings there is a high confidence that natural water systems, are also affected including, enlargement and increased numbers of glacial lakes, settlements in mountain regions are at high risk of outburst floods caused by melting glaciers. Governmental institutions in some areas are responding to the problems caused by global climate changes by building drainage networks and dams. The climate changes also lead to increasing volatility in storms and wild fires, droughts, and reduced energy demand’s and increasing sea levels. The aspects of climate change we are certain of are as follows, increased water availability in moist tropics and high latitudes, and decreasing water availability and increasing drought in mid-latitudes and semi-arid low latitudes, hundreds of millions of people exposed to increased water stress causing localized negative impacts on small business and coastal areas, and increased damage from floods and storms, and leading to erosion in coastal areas in addition based on satellite observations since the early 1980s there is high confidence that there has been a trend in many regions towards earlier â€Å"greening†( measured by the normalized difference vegetation index) Of vegetation in the spring linked to longer thermal growing seasons due to recent warming. About which we are uncertain is many of the long term effects of climate change. The main factors determining climate change are carbon dioxide and pH levels in the environment, and are mainly a result of human activity with factors such as carbon emissions. The report states phenomenon and directions of trends and, passes assumptions based on past trends are believed to wide spread effects on water systems but not limited to in addition to food and water shortages, increased death food and water borne diseases and wide spread erosion. Many assumptions are made based solely on passed trends I feel some of are inconclusive due to the lack of data in the report to support. And in conclusion This is my first time in a college class like this and everything is new to me and I need a lot more research to draw any more conclusions, and I am uncertain of information that is missing to support more of the causes.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on What Is The Difference
What is the Difference? â€Å"Each individual’s journey through life is unique. Some will make this journey alone, others in loving relationships- maybe in marriage or other forms of commitment. We need to ponder our own choices and try to understand the choices of others. Love has many shapes, colors, and is not finite. It can not be measured or defined in terms of sexual orientation.†** As we are all aware, there is much of a debate on homosexual couples having the right to be legally married. There are two articles that (I have found to be the best detailed) strongly support the legalizing same sex marriages are; Iowa Representative Ed Fallon’s speech to the House in 1996, and an article from the Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples. On February 20, 1996 and Iowa Representative (Ed Fallon) was reading his speech to the House of Representatives discussing why he supports the legalization of same sex marriage. Naturally, he started his speech, by stating this debate and how their vote would affect the public’s point of view. He used many examples of â€Å"pink-baiting.†He felt that by creating gay and lesbian unions, instead of legalizing gay marriage, this would only reinforce homophobia and gay bashing. He stressed the idea that heterosexuals need only to accept homosexuals. In order to do this, Representative Fallon, had stated that we all need to put an end to fear and stereotypes, and start seeing each other as fellow human beings. (I, totally agree) that that this is a civil rights issue, and it poses no threat to the society. There is another argument that I think would help clarify the up more it was written by the co-director of the Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples. He (like others) believes that marriage is not only a religious agreement, but also has legal and civil status. According to his article, â€Å"Legal marriage triggers 150-250 laws in every U.S. state, as well as more than... Free Essays on What Is The Difference Free Essays on What Is The Difference What is the Difference? â€Å"Each individual’s journey through life is unique. Some will make this journey alone, others in loving relationships- maybe in marriage or other forms of commitment. We need to ponder our own choices and try to understand the choices of others. Love has many shapes, colors, and is not finite. It can not be measured or defined in terms of sexual orientation.†** As we are all aware, there is much of a debate on homosexual couples having the right to be legally married. There are two articles that (I have found to be the best detailed) strongly support the legalizing same sex marriages are; Iowa Representative Ed Fallon’s speech to the House in 1996, and an article from the Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples. On February 20, 1996 and Iowa Representative (Ed Fallon) was reading his speech to the House of Representatives discussing why he supports the legalization of same sex marriage. Naturally, he started his speech, by stating this debate and how their vote would affect the public’s point of view. He used many examples of â€Å"pink-baiting.†He felt that by creating gay and lesbian unions, instead of legalizing gay marriage, this would only reinforce homophobia and gay bashing. He stressed the idea that heterosexuals need only to accept homosexuals. In order to do this, Representative Fallon, had stated that we all need to put an end to fear and stereotypes, and start seeing each other as fellow human beings. (I, totally agree) that that this is a civil rights issue, and it poses no threat to the society. There is another argument that I think would help clarify the up more it was written by the co-director of the Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples. He (like others) believes that marriage is not only a religious agreement, but also has legal and civil status. According to his article, â€Å"Legal marriage triggers 150-250 laws in every U.S. state, as well as more than...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Microeconomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Microeconomics - Assignment Example A good graphical representation of functional utility is shown below. Marginal rate of substitution represents the rate at which customers are ready to give up one commodity in order to exchange while ensuring a same level of utility. MRS varies with points along the indifference hence it is vital to keep locally in the definition. In addition, MRS of a commodity X is equivalent to the marginal utility of X over the marginal utility of Y. a. An increase in the price of a normal good: This had direct effect of changes in income on consumption choice. In this case, consumers buy more goods when their income rises as the prices remain fixed in the market. In this case, a change in the income of the buyer causes the demand curve to shift. This is evident through a negatively sloped demand curve to counter the space in the exhibit. Therefore, the increase in demand causes an increase in demand and a shift to the right of the demand curve for living space. b. A decrease in the price of an inferior good: In the market, a decrease in the prices of such goods leads to increase in the equilibrium quantity demanded. Therefore, the substitution effect would force the consumer to buy more of the good. c. An increase in the price of a Giffen good: In economics, an increase in the prices of Giffen good increases the quantity of the good that is demanded in the market. This results to an upward sloping demand curve due to interactions of the income and substitution effects. The income effect can be positive or negative when the price of these goods
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Characteristics of an enterpreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Characteristics of an enterpreneur - Essay Example Not only does he invent but also oversees the progress and performance of the business venture. According to most economists, an entrepreneur is one who is willing to bear the risk of a new business venture if there is a significant chance for profit (Davidsson 70). Entrepreneurial ventures are considerably different and depend on the type of organization, individual and creativity involved. The ventures range in scale from solo projects to major undertakings creating many job opportunities. Various entrepreneurial ventures include establishing a communications store that get people talking by selling cell phones and other devices, starting a mobile computer training that prevents employees from having to leave their offices to undertake computer courses, starting a glass shop that collects and recycles used glass materials, the list practically endless as noted by Parker (66). What is needed to be a Successful Entrepreneur In order to succeed in doing business, an entrepreneur must have a great deal of passion in their undertakings. In other words, he or she must love what he does, passion driving him/her toward working harder and harder toward set objectives. With hard work, the business person becomes more productive and much happier with time. Yet another trait that the entrepreneur must posses is persistence (Krueger 23). This means that the entrepreneur must be determined to succeed in all that they do. They must be prepared to overcome daily challenges and to do the things that they may not like to do. The entrepreneur must also be able to work toward achieving an ultimate goal in a creative way. Since the entrepreneur always desires to grow and meets challenges along the way, he/she has always to think about the next step to take. For example, the business person must always think of creating a new product, business, or service. Being creative on how to address conflict and service to customers and willingness to engage in new and exciting ideas will pl ace the entrepreneur above many competitors. He or she must be independent, ready to make things happen and very disciplined in managing time. A good entrepreneur should be intuitive. Always able to look beyond the obvious and able to make quick decisions that may affect the business. A good entrepreneur must be self-confident, always optimistic and maintaining faith in what he or she does. This allows the entrepreneur to be realistic and open minded and not afraid to ask questions and take risks on the journey to success. Yet again, the entrepreneur needs be hardworking and ready to forego comfort so as to realize the laid down objectives (Barrow, Brown &Clarke 20). In order to succeed in any business one must possess certain attributes and acquire specific knowledge and necessary business skills. Personal qualities are important, such as the desire for continuous education, self motivation, discipline, clear vision, and a great passion. Beyond the personal attributes business men and women must be good communicators. They need to be good in both written and spoken language. This will ensure that the business person establishes good understanding with the clients. The business people also need to be socially networked. This is because in business, it is more of who you know than who you don’t know. One current customer is worth more than several other potential customers. One
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Interrelation with exports in business Research Paper
Interrelation with exports in business - Research Paper Example Interrelation with exports in business This process then motivates increased purchasing by international vendors and consumers. This process has a varying impact on United States businesses. While one would assume that such processes would have a beneficial impact, this is not always the case. One concern is the impact of import costs. While one would assume that such processes would have a beneficial impact, this is not always the case. One concern is the impact of import costs. Oftentimes there are goods that are necessary for product that can only be purchased internationally (Rosenbush, 2012). The increase of prices for these products would negatively impact United States businesses. Another consideration is in terms of larger macroeconomic elements. While in the short-term a falling dollar can beneficially impact United States businesses, if the United States currency continues to depreciate over extended periods then this rising inflation can potentially result in rising unemployment rates (Hagerty, 2012). This unemployment would then have a negative impact on United States businesses for a variety of reasons. Still another consideration is that the falling United States dollar could potentially result in a situation where foreign and even domestic investors grow wary of investing in the United States (Hagert y, 2012). This lack of foreign investment or domestic spending would then result in economic stagnation within the United States, ultimately having a negative impact on business.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Deadly Unna Film Essay Example for Free
Deadly Unna Film Essay Australian Rules A comparative review by Anita Jetnikoff (QUT) for Australian Screen Education. Published as: Jetnikoff, Anita (2003) Australian Rules: a comparative review. Australian Screen Education(30):36-38. The title may mislead some viewers, as this is not a film about a football code, anymore than Bend it with Beckham is about soccer. This powerful, brave and rather brutal feature is the debut of Paul Goldman, who co-wrote the screenplay with the novelist Phillip Gwynne. Both the storylines and characters from Gwynne’s awardwinning novel Deadly Unna? nd its sequel Nukkin Ya, have been combined in the film, which was commissioned by South Australian Film Corporation for the Adelaide Festival of Arts 2002, and caused a furore with the local Aboriginal community. The film was screened after much deliberation over the objections against depictions of a character resembling a member of the Penninsular community. This certainly suggests collaboration with Indigenous communities could have been sought at earlier stages of the project. In my reading of the film, however, it is the white community who emerge the more brutal, bigoted and shameful. The Aboriginal community, on the other hand, represent solidarity, and sharing. The film was released and promoted by Palace, with the slogan ‘live by the rules play by the rules’. There is, however, an almost apartheid divide between the black [Nunga) and white [Goonya) communities in this film and the central character’s personal navigating between the two, means he must break unwritten rules. The film is based on aspects of two novels, the partly autobiographical novel Deadly Unna, and its sequel, Nukkin Ya, Nunga expressions for ‘Great hey’ and ‘See you later’. Both novels were easy to read and full of humour in spite of the serious subject matter of racism, interracial relationships, adolescent angst, death and revenge. The novels belong to the adolescent problem or coming-of-age genre and are being studied in secondary schools. The film has little of the novels’ lightness and the narrator’s ability to laugh at himself and his community’s foibles. This sometimes disturbing film’s tone is brutal, the landscape stark, sordid and in decay. Most of the characters occupying the saline, arid coastal town are nasty. The adult men are barflies, maggot breeders, fornicators and losers and the women are victims or sluts. This hopeless adult world offers nothing for the young in this fishing town. Viewers are invited to identify with the young, for whom hope lies in escape. The central figure of Blacky (Nathan Phillips), is an intelligent 14 year old caught between the literary world of his imagination and the literal world of his small towns’ bigotry. His mother, who encourages him to play football and to do well at school, is a battler, a victim of his father’s brutality. The dilapidated house the Black family occupy oozes poverty and neglect. These are white fringe dwellers. In the novel Blacky refers to what kind of chops the family will consume as indicative of the ‘pov metre’. They shop at the local op shop. Like many small rural Australian towns, this coastal community struggles to survive. The black and white communities in the region are divided, separated physically by a stretch of coastline, whites at the port and blacks at the point. Even the local pub segregates the Aboriginal drinkers from the white ones. The irony is that the local football team is only viable when the Aboriginal boys come over from the point to play. The sporting fixture allows the communities to merge, but the union stops there. Blacky crosses the racial divide to befriend Dumby Red (Luke Carroll) a talented Aboriginal Australian Rules Player from the Point and to romance Dumby’s sister Clarence (Lisa Flanagan). Whereas book built up the friendship through Blacky’s doubt and hesitation about Dumby, this is not dealt with in the film. The film opens with the two characters already mates, sitting together in the dilapidated shed of the red dirt football field, commiserating over the ineffectiveness of their coach, Arks (Kevin Harrington). Dumby’s spectacular football prowess has been spotted by a city talent scout, which sets up the need for him to win best Player in the final against a much stronger team. A contract to a city football team would mean a possible escape from the bigotry and emptiness of the Penninsularâ€â€his chance to be a sporting success. Blacky finds himself an unwitting hero and awarded best team man for winning the premiership game. He unwittingly collides with the toughest star player on the opposing team and is knocked unconscious, along with his gigantic opponent. The shooting sequences of the match were not especially riveting, but this was in keeping with the importance of the game to the story. The film is not about winning or losing, but the personal integrity of the play or the journey in the ongoing process of discovering identity. The medal for ‘Best on the Ground’, rightly belonged to Dumby Red. His ticket out of the hopeless community, however, was denied to him, because rather than kicking a sure goal, he had passed a ball to a cousin who had not handled the ball all day. The cultural code of sharing was stronger than the competitive need to win. In the film, the loss of the award to the coach’s son paves the way for Dumby’s tragic demise. He joins Pretty (Tony Briggs) in an armed robbery of the pub, perhaps to extract an alternative prize to the one he’d been denied. The publican, Mac, laid out in a drunken stupor on the pool table, is beaten even more senseless by Pretty. The noise rouses Blacky’s father (Simon Westaway) who shoots and kills his son’s friend Dumby Red in revenge for the publican’s beating. In the novel the publican was the murderer, but the film’s central villain is Blacky’s father, Bob, who represents fear, loathing and menace. His violent rages left his own family in fear of him. In one memorable scene they escape his menacing torment of their mother behind closed doors by escaping through the window and sleeping in the chicken coop. The feeling is that this experience was not new to them. Blacky is torn in the novel between his initial attraction to Clarence in Deadly Unna, which he conceals from his white ‘friends’ in order to attract the attention of a rich white ‘camper’ girl. In the sequel this relationship between Blacky and Clarence and Blacky and his father represent two kinds of coming of age. His masculinity is tested early on in a storm at sea and later when he was caught in the shed stealing paint to cover a racist slogan in the local boatshed. His intelligence means little to his father, and his good grades and scholarship to Kings College in Adelaide are ignored. In the sequel Nukkin Ya, the filial relationship seems almost mended when his father takes on the renovation of a ‘windjammer’ to bring potential tourism to the town. His father’s project becomes obsessive at the expense of putting food on the family’s table, but the male relationship seems to be temporarily repaired along with the boat, which becomes symbolic of rebuilding strength, unity and hope around the fantasy of the future. In the novels we experience Blacky’s angst at discovering his father’s infidelity to his mother. Blacky and his friend Pickles, stumble upon their adulterous fathers visiting the Aboriginal women at the point. The irony of this is that the entire community seemed set gainst the burgeoning love relationship between Blacky and Dumby’s sister Clarence. The fact that the cross-race relationship of the father is not dealt with in the film makes his violent reaction to finding Clarence innocently sleeping alongside Blacky in his bedroom connected more with his hatred of Aboriginal people, than it is to do with his guilt over murdering Dumby Red. It is a response reduced to racism alone, rather than his own guilt and hypocrisy, which in the novels is built up subtly through the two volumes. The antagonist in the second novel, having moved away from the father, is embodied by the figure of Lovely (Pretty, in the film) who menaces Blacky over his relationship with Clarence. Lovely sports a hate tattoo on his fingers and is a violent instigator in both book and film. The disclosure of the white men’s infidelity at the expense of the black women, who remain nameless and faceless, leads to the climax of the second novel. The boat is set alight, which symbolizes the death of the relationships between Blacky and his father and his community. Lovely is framed, Blacky absolves Lovely in court by taking the blame, but Pickles (Tom Budge ) was the real arsonist. This false confession, leads to Blacky becoming a cipher in his own town, where boats and the sea are peoples workplaces. He becomes a ‘boat burner’ in the cultural imaginary and is forced to leave. In the film this purging is less powerful and seems to emerge from some kind of corporate malice rather than revenge. Pickles manically sets alight rival maggot breeder Darcy’s breeding drums, which has less symbolic poignancy than the boat burning in the novel. Blacky’s central challenge in the film is to reaffirm his masculinity by standing up to his father, through the relationship with Clarence. Blacky is constructed by his father as a ‘gutless wonder. ’ Blacky’s painful journey to manhood, is much harsher in the film than the book. In the novel the father is a violent adulterer, but in the film, he kills Blacky’s best friend. Blacky’s attendance at Dumby’s funeral represents a betrayal of familial solidarity in the eyes of the father. The relationship was not strong enough however, for Blacky to take his father’s side. At this point, Blacky abdicates from identifying with his father. He has begun to flee the emasculated self constructed by his father, towards a more potent, sexual self, embodied by his attraction and identification with the other through the literal ‘body’ of Dumby and the physical, sexual body of Clarence. What is morally worrisome is that the father, who both Blacky and the viewer see as a murderer, continues to live in the community with impugnity, the ‘common sense’ gap we fill is that he claims he shot Dumby in selfdefense. Blacky courageously resists his father’s imperative to stay away from the funeral. In the film’s powerful and moving climax, the battered, but united family in the background witnesses the final stand off between father and son. Blacky literally stands up to his father, not by competing in battle of fists, but resisting by sheer will and strength of character. The father leaves in a vicious rage and we can’t help feeling that the family will be better off with him gone. The second novel Nukkin Ya begins with hope of Blacky taking a scholarship at Kings in Adelaide. His girlfriend Clarence achieves a scholarship to art school and Blacky has a reason to follow her. The film ends with the two young lovers romantically swimming in the clear waters, symbolically cleansing themselves of the grime and grease of prejudice, which had tainted their relationship until that point. The film treats the romance in a much lighter way than the books. There is no stand off between the characters; in fact Clarence becomes Blacky’s bridge between the two cultures. In the film it is Clarence who stands up to Bob Black in Blacky’s bedroom with dignity and silent resistance. Lisa Flanagan’s performance was elegant and dignified. It was Clarence who gently cut through the wall of hostility from the Nunga boys at her brother’s funeral- allowing Blacky to mourn his friend’s death. It was Clarence who understood Blacky’s poetic allusions to dying stars- these two are cosmically connected and there is an almost Shakespearean sense of their fate. The love scenes provide the film’s only softness and the resolution, although moving, is not sentimental. The young people must leave the still-divided community, to survive together.
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